
...Og ók..

...Van Morrison...ég elska þig út af lífinu og þú kemur mér í gott skap...en hvernig er ekki hægt að vilja verða ástfanginn þegar maður hlustar á svona texta?....ég bara spyr...

You can take all the tea in china
Put it in a big brown bag for me
Sail right around the seven oceans
Drop it straight into the deep blue sea
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Shes an angel of the first degree
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

You cant stop us on the road to freedom
You cant keep us cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor bent on chivalry
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Shes an angel of the first degree
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

You cant stop us on the road to freedom
You cant stop us cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor intent on chivalry
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Shes an angel of the first degree
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

You know shes alright
You know shes alright with me
Shes alright, shes alright (shes an angel)

You can take all the tea in china
Put it in a big brown bag for me
Sail it right around the seven oceans
Drop it smack dab in the middle of the deep blue sea
Because shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Shes an angel of the first degree
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Shes an angel of the first degree
Shes as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like the honey, baby, from the bee
Shes my baby, you know shes alright.....

Stay black - Salinto!
...Og af hverju...

...er Sean Penn ekki maðurinn minn? Er ég ekki miklu sætari en Robin Wright?

Stay black- Salinto!


...Og ég fór...

...á tónleika með Roisin Murphy í gærkvöldi...

...Murphy þekkja flestir úr hinu frábæra bandi Moloko sem var stofnað árið 1995 en eftir að Murphy hætti með Mark Brydon, hinum helmingi Moloko, hóf hún sólóferil stelpan og var að gefa út sína aðra plötu fyrir stuttu sem heitir því einfalda en skemmtilega nafni Overpowered...

...og hún náði gjörsamlega að heilla mig stelpan...geggjuð söngkonan...minnir soldið á Urði í Gus Gus...og deeead sexy...ég gæti gifst henni...

Stay black - Salinto!