...Og á mixed tape-inu...
...mínu í bílnum er frábært lagaúrval...magnað því ég man ekki eftir því að hafa skrifað hann...þarna eru þrjú Cardigans lög af Long Gone Before Daylight sem er einn af mínum uppáhaldsdiskum...vekur upp margar góðar minningar...en líka nokkrar daprar...
...rúsínan í pylsuendanum er Vicious World með Rufus Wainwright...textinn er yndislegur og talar sínu máli...
Thought that maybe we'd fall in love over the phone
Thought that maybe I'd really love being alone
Everybody but Heaven knows how I was wrong
Oh Lord, what have I done to myself?
What have I done to myself?
In this vicious world
Such a vicious world
There isn't anything you can do
In this vicious world
Soaking on the ice, makin' eyes all by myself
Didn't realize you were so top of the shelf
Just you want and see when you turn, turn 23
Oh Lord, what have I done to myself?
What have I done to myself?
In this vicious world
Such a vicious world
There isn't anything you can do
In this vicious world
Such a vicious world
There isn't anything you can do
In this vicious world
There isn't anything you can do
In this vicious world
Stay black - Salinto!