
Vá...sumir geta verið soldið touchy tjú....er að skrifast á við gaur á Ítalíu sem býr á Sikiley...og ég bara með minn húmor er að djóka í honum og spyr hvort að öll mafían búi ekki á Sikiley...og svarið sem ég fékk...I think I´ve just gained an enemy...

"Doesn´t the whole mafia live in Siciley? Ehehehe..."

Your question is not funny and it doesn't make me laugh at all...
Sincerely,I'm also a bit offended.

If you think that the whole mafia lives in Sicily...well,do you mean that
you consider me a mafioso????????
I'm simply a student.

First of all,the whole mafia doesn't live in Sicily;
maybe you don't know that the mafia exists in other countries
And maybe you don't know what mafia is.
Sicily doesn't mean "mafia"
I think that, if a person wants to know a place, he/she should live there
for a period,at least.

do you agree?????

Ó...ég hélt að Sicily þýddi mafía...silly me...sumt fólk mar vááááá...
Stay black

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