
Úff ég hef nú aldrei fílað Jimi Hendrix eitthvað í botn en það er eitt lag sem ég fæ bókstaflega gæsahúð af að heyra...hef reyndar hlustað meira á það coverað með Pearl Jam og The Corrs...í sitthvoru lagi þó ehehehe...en útgáfan hjá Jimi er alger hreinasta snilld...I salut you dead master...þetta er lagið Little wing...tjékkið á því...

Well she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind that's running round
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairy tales
That's all she ever thinks about
Riding with the wind.

When I'm sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
It's alright she says it's alright
Take anything you want from me, anything

Fly on little wing,
Yeah yeah, yeah, little wing

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