
...Og nýja platan með...

...Teit er svo brillíant...fleiri hljóðfæri og þroskaðri tónlist...aðeins út í alternative og aðeins dekkra...fíla plötuna í tætlur enda ávallt verið ástfangin af manninum...

...nokkur lög standa upp úr...eins og Your Great Book...You Should Have Seen Us...Don't Let Me Fall In Love With You og We Still Drink The Same Water...búin að pirra Evu með því síðastnefnda en það er í algjöru uppáhaldi og hér kemur textinn...mmm...lovely....

You have moved to the outskirts of town. I bet you like it more when no one is around. I bet you spend most days in your dressing gown. Word is out that you are working again. That you look good with coloured chins. I’m glad to hear that you are seeing our friends. It’s still the same, nothing has changed. We still drink the same water. All those women on our street look at me strangely when we meet. They smile politely and nod with sadness. It’s as if they’re saying: “Please, go get her back. You poor old thing, you look like a wreck!” As if all of their dreams did not come true. It’s still the same, nothing has changed. We still drink the same water. I might take a holiday, I need to get out of my own way and put an end to all of this running away. I’m thinking that we might as well quench our thirst and get up where we fell. Since we float in the same well we still drink the same water. It’s still the same, nothing has changed. We still drink the same water.

Stay black - Salinto!

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