
Are you a blogaholic?!?

36 points is in the 21 through 50 precent
You are a casual weblogger. You only blog when you have nothing better to do, which is not very often. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you'd post a little more often, you'd make your readers very happy.

....ég bjóst nú við meiru...en tja...ég á ennþá mikið eftir ólært....kannski ég geti lært eitthvað af henni Kristínu V. sem skoraði mögnuð 80 stig af 100 mögulegum!! Bravó Kristín...þú ert idolið mitt!...ég hef alltaf litið upp til fólks sem talar við sjálft sig...hætti því sko ekki núna...
Stay black

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