

...ligga ligga lái...ég var að fá Nígeríu-bréf...æi það er svo yndislegt...örugglega fáir sem fá svolleis...upp á skemmtilegheitin sýni ég ykkur þetta frábæra bréf...

Dear friend,

I wish to begin by way of introduction. I am Kenneth Masuku, the first andonly surviving son of late Marc Masuku one of the foremost and rich blackfarmers in Zimbabwe recently murdered in the land dispute in my country.Before the death of my father, he had given me the certificate of depositehe used to deposit the sum of US$30.5 million (Thirty Million Five HundredUnited State Dollars) in one of the private security companies in Europe,as family valuables, when he realized the looming dangers in Zimbabwe.This amount was meant for the purchase of new machineries and chemicalsfor the farms and also for the establishment of new farms in Swaziland.Thisland dispute started when President Robert Mugabe introduced a new landreform, which was particularly targeted at the rich white farmers and afew black farmers (my father included).This resulted in the gruesome killing of rich farmers (mainly whites) andthe unlawful possession of their properties by Mugabe's war veterans, underthe disguise of fighting for the interest of the country. It is againstthis background that I fled the country with my family, to Europe wherewe are currently seeking asylum.I have decided to seek foreign assistance, as the law prohibits asylum seekersfrom operating bank accounts or involving in financial transaction of anykind, hence this letter to you. All I need is your trustworthiness to beable to entrust the above said amount and help me with investment opportunities.My family's survival depends on this money as we have virtually lost allour assets.There are two options, firstly, you can choose to accept 15% of the totalamount for your assistance or go into partnership for the proper investmentof the money in your country.We shall discuss in detail the modalities involved when I hear from you.I await your reply through the above media, while I implore you to maintainthe absolute secrecy required to ensure a safe and hitch free transaction.I shall furnish you with more details on request.
Yours truly,Kenneth Masuku
N.B.Please reply me on my confidential email account: mfamily@di-ve.com

Stay black - Salinto!

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god byrjun